Ausverkauft durch Leidenschaft

Sold Out by Passion

I'm slowly getting the hang of it. I'm slowly coming to terms with what happened again this week. I was overwhelmed by the positive response to our latest bottling - and by the quick sell-out of the 1,485 bottles.
Wagemut Special Edition 2024 Reading Sold Out by Passion 4 minutes Next London Bar Tour
This week we released the Wagemut Special Edition 2024. Like every year since 2021 - so for the fourth year. And even though our numbers are developing well and we can show nice, organic growth, we are still a very small company with just two employees and my brother Florian and me as the owners of the company. So 1,485 bottles is really a big number for us. We also still do everything by hand: just numbering this number of bottles kept Adrien busy for hours.

All this preparatory work and then – bang: all the bottles are gone. We received a significantly larger order quantity from our retailers alone, so we were in the privileged position of having to allocate the bottles.

Based on the success of the 2021 edition and the complaints of many that they couldn't get hold of a bottle, we founded the Wagemut Members Club . Among many other benefits, our members are guaranteed a bottle of the Wagemut Special Edition and don't have to stress on the day of release. This means that a few hundred bottles are no longer available and never come onto the market. On Tuesday we published our newsletter . The link led to our own online shop. All the bottles we had reserved for our shop were sold out within a few hours. The announcement was made in our Facebook group on Wednesday. Fortunately, many of our retail partners have now put the bottles online, so we were able to share their links - also sold out on the same day. Everywhere.

We sat in our office, perplexed. Our thoughts were confused. "What's going on here?" I asked my brother Adrien in astonishment. We didn't want to officially release the bottling until tomorrow (Thursday) - but we just don't have anything left... So basically it's only sold out through advance sales.

Luckily, some retailers haven't put the stuff online yet. Since Thursday was a holiday in the north, we postponed the public launch until Friday so that we could at least offer a few bottles with the announcement. Also sold out immediately.

Boy oh boy, what was that? Even though our special edition has been well received in general, things are slowly getting really wild. This enormous response touches me deeply. The best confirmation that what we are doing works. I was on drugs the last few days. Completely high and overwhelmed by what is happening here. I've come to my senses now. Things have calmed down. I am honored to see that our concept is working. Our way of just letting everything out and sharing it completely openly.

With a certain "I don't care" attitude, just being who we are. Doing what we want to do and putting a lot of trust in people that authenticity and openness will be rewarded.

We weren't wrong, and I'm very grateful for that. The success of the Special Edition is a wonderful confirmation. And of course there are a few gossipers and a few negative comments. But they are completely drowned out by the great energy that prevails in our community.

People are up for it. From our point of view, the majority are fed up with this filtered nonsense. With this politically correct babble. With more show than substance. And that's why we'll carry on, stick to our course and continue to provide you with great flavors.

All of this is just the beginning! I sit here and am grateful and at the same time proud of what we have with Daring. Of what we have with our community.

Hard work and honesty pay off.
Your Nicolas

1 comment



Völlig verdient, mein Lieber!
Ihr habt da ein echt dickes Brett gebohrt!
Respekt und Glückwunsch!

Völlig verdient, mein Lieber!
Ihr habt da ein echt dickes Brett gebohrt!
Respekt und Glückwunsch!

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