Warum wir tun, was wir tun

Why we do what we do

I have already received various offers to buy the Wagemut company from me. The bids have been quite decent.
I turned down all offers. Someone asked me what price I would sell for.
I wouldn't sell. Why should I? What should I do then?

I'm not just doing a job here. What I'm doing here is my life. That's me.
What is the meaning of life? A question that torments many. A question that some cannot answer their entire lives. A question whose phrasing seems spiritual - and makes those who know how to answer it look wise.

I have never understood the whole mystery surrounding this one question. For me, it is so easy to answer:
The meaning of life is expansion.

Expansion, on the other hand, is something everyone has to define for themselves. For me, it primarily involves two points:

1. To become the best version of myself so that my wife and I can provide the ideal foundation for our children, making them even better than we were.
2. To create. My passion is the world of spirits.

Since this is a spirits blog and not about personal development, I would like to limit myself to point 2:

I create spirits of different qualities, with different taste profiles. My vision is to reach as many people as possible and accompany them into the wonderful world of enjoyment.
Hence the different styles and qualities: I want to be able to meet you at the point where you are right now. I don't want to expect anything more from you: that you should taste or like this or that. We'll start together where you are right now and go at your pace.
Do you want to taste soft and uncomplicated things forever? We're happy to do that.
Do you want to venture into wild worlds and treat yourself to high ester Jamaica rum at cask strength? We're happy to do that too.

Friendships are born from this journey. We focus on the things that unite us, not the things that divide us.
A community has emerged organically and quite casually. Like-minded people who meet once a year for the Wagemut summer festival. A mood and an exchange that I cannot explain to you. You have to experience this energy for yourself.

That was my little attempt to tell you why we do what we do. Why I wouldn't sell daring.
I received an email from a customer that I would like to share with you. This email describes our work and our philosophy in a way that I could not convey better myself:


Hello you daredevils,

Nothing bad, I just feel the need to write about what has happened in a year.

We come from a small village in Rhineland-Palatinate. The kind of village where you drink a case of beer and a bottle of some cheap swill before going to the fair.

Now as you get older you also become calmer with children, a house, a dog and work.

So it happened that we got together with a few guys in the village to be among ourselves and have a drink in a relaxed atmosphere in a room with a fireplace.

A few of us have undergone an amazing development in the last 1 1/2 years, which is described below.

Jack Daniels Cola was always the standard drink when we were young. At some point we switched to Bacardi Cola.

When we, as grown men, tormented by work, time and sometimes family, finally found time to sit together again, we proudly and, by our standards, decadently began to drink Kraken Rum with Coke.

The pure enjoyment of spirits began with the first bottle of Don Papa Small Batch. Naive as we were, we thought it was high-end and absolutely the best on the market. Made according to the old recipe, it can only be bought in Germany for almost €60. So we were all the more delighted to discover Don Papa Small Batch on a shopping trip to Luxembourg at the normal price of €34.95.

What can I say, two of us now have 12 bottles each in the cellar. A treasure!!!

Cane Rock, Ron Prohibido, Don Papa Masskara, Botucal, Don Papa Single Island, Warlich, Ron Piet are just a few on our journey in 1 1/2 years.

Davidsen's 15 XO Black Label Reserve outshone all of these varieties, which we considered to be of such high quality.

Then came the Wagemut PX Cask. This was an absolute blast. We were delighted. It is difficult to describe a Don Papa Small Batch as absolutely top-notch after enjoying a Wagemut PX Cask.

By now, a few of us had of course started watching NICOLAS KRÖGER YouTube videos. He managed to get us excited about the good stuff. The PX Cask he created was a real treat for us.

Two of us then saw the video about the new varieties. We thought at first that it was a steep price for a bottle of rum.

Anyway, we simply bought a Maduro and split the price 50/50.

We are my neighbor and I. Two simple guys from the village, early/mid 40s, kids, wife, house, dog.

I would like to thank you for your fantastic work.

The educational and sometimes very funny videos showed us the right way.

When my neighbor and I tasted a bottle of Maduro today, we almost burst with excitement.

I have never tasted anything so good in my life. Such a rich and varied taste, simply amazing.

We're going to sell a case of Don Papa swill to the others who have never had anything good. It was listed on eBay for €60, but we only paid €34.95.

We will use the proceeds to order the other two varieties from you.

We are also thinking about joining the Members Club. We are looking forward to discovering more - as I said, we have only been at it for 1 1/2 years.

Big compliments from a small village in RLP from simple boys who became men and learned through N. Kröger and Wagemut what it means to enjoy good spirits.

Kind regards

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