Der Rausch des Löwen - Zu Besuch in der Bar Le Lion

The Lion's Intoxication - Visiting the Bar Le Lion

Alcohol is a luxury item. That's what I preach and that's what I live by. Few people who have known me for just five years have ever seen me drunk. But as with every rule, there is an exception.
Mizunara oak & rum: Wagemut Colorado Reading The Lion's Intoxication - Visiting the Bar Le Lion 3 minutes Next Jamaica reimagined: Connecticut Shade

Hamburg, 5 p.m. sharp. We ring the bell at the Löwen and a tiger opens the door. As befits bartenders, we want to sit at the bar. Just to chat a bit. We order drinks. Five Professor Langnickels, please. Jörg Meyer opens a bottle of champagne. It's basically the aperitif of the aperitif. But the Langnickel is an after-dinner drink. It's a good thing I've already eaten something today, I think to myself, while mentally toasting Mario to thank him for this great creation.

Professor Langnickel

Another glass of champagne. Thank you, Jörg. The sparkling water tastes good. But his stories are even better… Details are not shared here – everyone has to drown them out for themselves.

In the meantime, our next drink is ready: Billonär based on Wagemut PX-Cask. Boy, this works, I think to myself as the cool liquid flows down my throat.

The mood has now warmed up nicely. The rum, the beer and the glass of Madeira with the afternoon cigar have already got things going a bit before we venture into the lion's den.

I massaged the drink into my body in no time. Mathias says something about milk punch. A "Buttermilk & Money" is in front of me. Awesome. Sturdy device. Basically warm milk with honey for adults.

So that the next morning isn't quite so hard, I order another round of vitamins. The Gin Basil Smash is prepared quickly. The team is well-versed. It's a must, as it's the first visit to this legendary bar for my bar team. The drink is so green that I can safely write it off as a smoothie.

Legend! (Drink & Type)

After I've thinned out my vocabulary, it's time to go. Finally, we have a table at the Bullerei at 7 p.m. - another very boozy place. We leave the bar at 6:37 p.m.

Have we perhaps even set a new record? Four drinks and champagne at 5pm in the Löwen in 1.5 hours? Only amateurs think that would be easy. They don't take into account Meyer's "7cl is love" concept.

Awesome Monday. Monday is the best anyway. Even the time. Because as Frank Sinatra once said:
"I hate weekends. Even amateurs drink then."

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