Jamaika neu gedacht: Connecticut Shade

Jamaica reimagined: Connecticut Shade

Jamaica produces one of the most distinctive rum styles and is particularly known for its high ester rums. But we wanted to make it even more extravagant and created the Connecticut Shade.

As part of our new Wagemut Aficionado Collection we also have a little outlier. The individual varieties, named after the wrapper leaves, are sweet, round and smooth. Very pleasant.
Even though a cigar is not mandatory, the first thought when creating the line was to create the perfect companion to the pleasure of smoking.
A flattering sweetness is a very suitable accompaniment to a cigar, as it soothes the palate and the sweetness balances out the effect of the nicotine. However, there is also another, no less exciting approach to pairing: acidity. Not in an extreme form like lemon juice, but well integrated. The elegant freshness of a Blanc de Blanc champagne is particularly suitable here.

Together with my friend Reinhard Pohorec, we wanted to achieve exactly this sensory interplay for cigars equipped with a Connecticut Shade wrapper.
The base is a very old, high-ester Jamaica rum. The label says it's up to 19 years old. This is because no pure rum was used. A small shot of unaged rum was added to increase the freshness and increase the complexity.
It was then allowed to mature in chestnut barrels together with apricots.
Chestnut particularly impressed me in my barrel experiment “ barrel language ” because the wood gives already matured spirits a beautiful depth. A masterpiece of barrels from Eder.

Chestnut barrel

The apricot, which I mention here in passing, is a game changer - it brings a slight acidity into play. The acidity that I was longing for as a pairing with the cigar, but which is unusual in the world of aged spirits and therefore causes a brief moment of confusion.

As if the Jamaica rum wasn't aromatic enough on its own, a veritable firework display of aromas now unfolds. Exotic fruits from pineapple to mild apricot, pleasant sweetness - challenged by the acidity, perfectly integrated barrel notes that by no means dominate, but know exactly where their place is.

Even though the end result is very accessible despite its high aromatic content, there is no neutrality: you either love it or you don't.



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